If you’re absent from school due to sickness, you may need to provide your teacher or professor with an excuse letter. This document explains the proper format for an excuse letter and provides a template and examples that you can use.
Excuse Letter for Being Absent from School
Table of Contents
An excuse letter for being absent from school is a written explanation to your teacher, principal, or dean of students for missing class. Usually, before granting permission for an absence, your child’s school will require a note from a parent or doctor.
There are different excuses, but the doctor’s excuse letter is the most common. A physician usually writes this type of letter for a patient who needs to miss work, school, or another event due to medical reasons.
Details to Include in an Excuse letter of Being Absent from School
A well-written excuse letter will include:
- Name and contact information of the person writing this letter
- Name and contact information of the person the letter is addressed to
- The date the letter is being written
- A doctor’s note confirming the sickness and need for time off
Sample Excuse Letter for Being Absent from School
Here is a template you can use to write your excuse letter:
Dear [Name of Teacher],
I am writing to inform you that [Name of student] was unable to attend school on [date(s) of absence]. The reason for this absence was [give a reason for absence].
I have attached a note from the doctor confirming the sickness. Please contact me [contact information] if you have any queries.
Thank you for being so understanding.
[Name of Parent or Guardian]
While no one enjoys being out sick, sometimes it’s unavoidable. If your kid needs to miss school for any reason, please provide their teacher or professor with an excused absence note. Creating this note can be quick and easy by using our template above.
Peyton Bagley is an English teacher and letter writer from the United States of America. She has been teaching for over 15 years and loves helping her students improve their writing skills. Peyton has also worked as a freelance writer and editor for several years. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family, reading, and hiking.